Polymer clays can be shaped into dolls quickly and easily.
Fimo is a type of polymer clay that you can bake in the bake house oven to harden. This clay is Unceremoniously to grindstone with and can be unreal into sculptural forms using tools you probably hold environing the cave. When you annex fabricated your doll, deposit the doll in the oven and the shape Testament pass into permanent. Dye details on the out of the polymer and spray a Ending Stop to bring about the doll see good the bag you longing.
1. Take Fimo in the skin colour you thirst for your dolls. You may occasion to mix clays to receive exactly the right color. Use an artist knife and a smooth stick To cleanse up the molding marks so that each piece of your doll is clean and shaped the way you want. Some molds are designed for joints and some use fabric stuffed bodies, with clay used for heads, shoulders, forearms, hands and feet. Select the mold for the type of doll you prefer.
Press the polymer between the two parts of the mold to shape the parts. The molds are flexible and you should be able to remove all of the parts without difficulty.
3. Knead your Fimo to warm it up. As the polymer warms up it gets softer and more pliable.2. Make polymer pieces the basic size and shape of your doll mold with a little extra.
4. Place the cleaned up molded pieces on aluminum foil covering a cookie sheet. Warm the oven to 265 degrees. Place the sheet in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove the sheet and allow the pieces to dry completely.
5. Sand the pieces for a smoother finish.