Friday, October 2, 2015

Write Grid Lines

Peerless a unusual materials. adore pencil and paper. are needed to cause grid lines.

Take the ruler off the paper and then place the left edge of the ruler along the new line you just created. Draw a line on the paper along the right edge of the ruler down the length of the page.Continue this pattern of lifting the ruler off the page and using it to create a new line until the paper is covered with vertical lines from left to right.2.

If you do not have graph paper, it is relatively easy to create your own by make grid lines on a blank sheet of paper. You must determine what type of grid lines you need, although the same materials can be used to create large or small grid lines on paper. Careful measurement is required in order to draw the lines evenly. Use patience and a keen eye to draw the grid lines as perfectly as possible.


1. Take a sheet of paper and place a ruler on the paper so that the left edge of the ruler is aligned vertically with the left edge of the paper. Place the tip of a writing utensil like a pencil and move the pencil down the page until one line has been created from the top to the bottom of the page.

Place the ruler on the paper perpendicular, or at a 90-degree angle, to the original vertical lines created. This means that you place the lower edge of the ruler along the bottom edge of the paper horizontally. Draw your writing utensil along the upper edge of the ruler from the left to the right edge of the paper.

Place the lower edge of the ruler on the upper edge of the line just drawn. Place the writing utensil on the paper. At the upper left of the ruler, draw a line horizontally from left to right. Repeat this pattern, lifting the ruler from the page and placing the lower edge of the ruler on the edge of the last line created.

Do this until you reach the opposite edge of the paper from where you started, meaning the top of the sheet of paper.

3. Make certain that the lines are exactly perpendicular to each other by using a protractor. Place the middle hole at the bottom of the protractor at the bottom of a horizontal line. See if the line crosses the 90-degree mark on the protractor. If it does not, then erase the line.

Place the protractor on the paper, making certain that the middle hole at the bottom of the instrument is placed where the original line started. Make a small marking in that hole using your pencil. Make a mark near the 90-degree mark on the protractor. Remove the protractor from the paper and place the ruler along the two markings you have made. Draw the pencil along the ruler from top to bottom.

Repeat this process for any other lines which are not perpendicular to each other.

4. Create smaller grid lines by lining the ruler up along the left horizontal edge of the paper. Make small markings along the paper using the markings on the ruler. Specifically, use the markings on the ruler to make hash marks on the middle of the two horizontal grid lines already created. Draw a line from that hash mark, going from the left to the right of the paper using the ruler. Repeat the above steps as you go up the paper. End when you get to the upper part of the paper.

5. Repeat Step 4, except draw vertical lines on the paper. That is, line up the ruler along the lower edge of the paper and carefully make hash marks using the ruler in order to measure evenly between the lines already made. Using the rule, draw a line from the hash mark to the other end of the paper, making a vertical line. Repeat this process until you have covered the paper with a second set of vertical lines.