Thursday, November 13, 2014

Install A Black Light For A Poster

Images under a inklike burnished bob up to glow.

Plug the black light poster into the power supply and turn the light on.11. Turn off other light sources that may be interfering with the black light's ability to illuminate the poster.

An 8-inch bright Testament brighten a poster that is between 12 to 24 inches in vastness; a 12-inch ablaze Testament adorn a poster between 12 to 37 inches in magnitude; and an 18-inch blaze Testament light frames larger than 18 inches.


1. Trial the wattage of your black light. Most florescent black lights are 40 watts. Be sure your fixture will support a 40-watt florescent light.

2. Verify the bulb is a black light bulb by looking for the "BLB" label on the bulb. There could be other writing as well, but all genuine black lights have "BLB" stamped on the bulb somewhere. The bulb will also be dark purple in color.

3. Determine the location of the poster, and attach the picture light arm 2 inches higher.

4. Locate the stud behind the poster with a stud finder. Mark the location for the screws, and drill a pilot hole into the stud.

5. Attach the wall light fixture using wallboard anchors if no stud is available. Drill a pilot hole the same size of the wallboard anchors using a general-purpose drill bit. Position the wallboard anchors into the hole and gently tap them into the wall with a hammer until they are flush with the wall.

6. Screw the fixture into the pre-drilled stud or wallboard anchors using a drill and the screws provided with the picture light fixture.

7. Screw the picture light fixture to the picture light arm using the included screws. Make sure you securely tighten the screws so the light will stay in place. Position the lamp so that it is at a 30-degree angle.

8. Install the black light into the lamp. Align the pins at the end of the lamp so that they are at the same angle as the guidelines on the light fixture. Carefully slide both ends of the bulb into the fixture at the same time. You will feel the pins hit the back of the fixture when it is in place. Turn the bulb a quarter of the way to lock it into place.

9. Run the power cord down the wall. Hang the poster under the picture light and on top of the power cord. This will help camouflage the cord while the light is on.

10.Using black lights to decorate allows you to conceive a decor that seems to bounce gone at you. Poster lights are a figure of accent lighting and according to the Bigger Homes and Gardens website, spotlights are the blessing anatomy of accent lighting for artwork when positioned at a 30-degree angle.According to HomeDoctor.enmesh, you should cinch the amount of flashing needed by the magnitude of the poster you are illuminating.