Diable images in Opera.
Android Instructions
4. Turn on your Android phone and start the Opera Mini browser. Press the "Menu" button on your phone, then tap "Settings" on the screen.Instructions
Windows or Mac Instructions
1. Turn on your pc and log in. Derivation the Opera browser by clicking "Start," then "Programs," then "Opera" on a Windows computer, or clicking the dock icon on a Mac.
2. Click the red "Opera" menu button on the top of the window. Mouse over the "Page" entry.
3. Mouse over "Images" and click on "No Images." Opera will no longer display images in Web pages.
The Opera browser has pass into typical due to its fleeting rendering engine, barn door deed allot and Broad availability. It's gained a committed adjacent on Windows and Mac desktop platforms, and Opera Mini has forthwith been released for both iPhone and Android walking operating systems. Whether you'd analogous to precipitation up your browsing or save on bandwidth, one basic action to part is to disable form rendering. While this Testament build your browsing training somewhat manage, most sites adoration Google or eHow Testament even overhaul.
5. Tap "Images" in the "Settings" menu. The Images entry will switch to "Off."
6. Press "Back" on your phone. Opera Mini will no longer display Web images.
iPhone Instructions
7. Turn on your iPhone and start the Opera Mini browser. Press "Settings" on the home screen.
8. Tap "Images" in the "Settings" menu. The Images entry will switch to "Off."
9. Tap "Back" on the top of the page. Opera Mini will no longer display Web images.