When it's future to accept photography to the consequent comparable, many glom into starting a homey based photography business. Unfortunately, most photography training focuses solely on the technical aspects of the business, and forgets to teach photographers run the business end of the industry. With a little time to prepare, you can be ready to open a home based photography business in no time.
To start a home based photography business, you need to get your business in line. Register your business name with your city. Obtain a tax ID number from the federal government. Sign up as a retailer with your state, so you can collect retail sales tax. Prepare a part of your house for the business. Can you devote the entire basement, living room or rec room to studio and office space?
Set up an accounting program, filing system and plan for your work flow. Purchase backup photography equipment. Use a business plan to guide your business goals and plans.If you will be offering portraits in your home, in a studio setting, you will need a room with tall ceilings and a large open space. At a minimum, 10 foot ceilings in a room at least 12 foot by 12 foot would work for small family groups.
Determine what types of photography you will offer. Will you offer outdoor sessions and indoor sessions? Will you offer wedding coverage, families, children and pet photography? Will you offer corporate and photojournalism photography? Determine what type of photography you do best and offer those services. Know your limitations and don't accept proposals for photography jobs you can't perform.
The benefits of running a home based photography business are two fold. First of all, all the benefits of putting in long hours of hard work and profit is your own. You don't have an employer to answer to or share the credit with.
Starting your own home photography business can also be a benefit for those who need a flexible work schedule. If you need to split your time with family duties and children's activities, you can plan your work around these obligations. But this also means you'll be working non-traditional work hours and often longer than an eight hour shift.
Time Frame
Don't be in a rush to start a home based photography business. Before you open your doors for business, have a clear plan in place for your business. Know how much you will charge for different services and plan for customers calling with a variety of questions. Have an office area set up with a separate phone line dedicated to the business.