Thursday, May 7, 2015

Make Wire Mobiles

You can appliance wire coat hangers to cook mobiles.

A wire coat hanger is a useful representation for a homemade wire expressive. The hanger's shape Testament conduct the expressive balanced, and its hook makes it basic to hang from a doorway or ceiling. This is a ample project for children, who Testament be fascinated with the movement of the completed Craft and Testament be challenged to contrive forms with the 22-gauge wire. When hanging the completed expressive, attach it to the top of a doorway or ceiling to constitute persuaded the animated's movement is unencumbered.


1. Divide the 22-gauge wire into four 12-inch spread out sections with the wire cutters.

2. Add a drop of white glue to each thread tie on the wire hanger to keep the threads from sliding. Let the glue dry for 1 hour.5.

4. Tie one end of a thread to the top of the bent-wire object. Tie the opposite end of the wire to the bottom of the wire coat hanger. Repeat for each bent-wire object, positioning them evenly spaced along the bottom of the coat hanger. Bend the shorten wire pieces into circles, triangles, squares and stars with your hands.3. Abbreviate pieces of thread to assorted lengths between 5-inches and 8-inches far-reaching.

Screw the hook into a ceiling or doorway. Hang the coat hanger's hook from the hook.