Friday, May 22, 2015

Paint Grass Green

Whether you anathema looking at a dead, brown yard during the winter months, or provided you retain a charming lawn with one dead patch ruining your design, envisage portrayal the grass green to restore colour to your lawn. Mow your grass to the height desired. If you're painting a spot or spots in an otherwise green lawn, then mow the entire lawn.2.

Commercial lawn representation products are available Homewards improvement stores and are effortless to appliance. Depiciton grass green requires a bit of continuance, however provided your ambition is a flawless growing yard, then it Testament be time well spent.



Rake the areas to be painted to remove loose grass and other debris.

3. Pour commercial grass paint into a broadcast sprayer and add water according to the grass paint manufacturer's instructions. Shake the sprayer well to thoroughly mix the paint.

4. Start spraying the paint onto the lawn in the far corner and work your way across the lawn. Move the sprayer handle in long broad strokes, keeping the coverage as even as possible. If you are covering brown spots, then spray the brown areas only.

5. Allow the grass paint to dry completely before watering your lawn. Check the manufacturer's recommendations for drying time.