BCC protects the name of your email's recipients.
Usually, when you email multiple individuals, Each can descry -- and reply to -- Each else. Whether you demand to packages an email so that the recipients are not disclosed -- so no one knows who else was emailed -- you can achieve this using the "Blind Carbon Transcribe" or "BCC" assistance. Every email program has this facet.
Recipients will see their own addresses in the BCC field, but none of the others.3. Enter your own email address in the "To" field. You cannot send an email using only the "BCC" field, so you must have at least one "main" recipient.
1. Copy your email as you usually would, using your email programme.2. Enter your recipients in the "BCC" universe, instead of the "To" environment.
A standard approach is to yourself as the main recipient, although you could use some other address. However, remember that any address you enter in the "To" field will be visible to everyone.