Friday, December 26, 2014

Use Rosin For Ballet Shoes

The soles of latest ballet shoes are specious of a soft, malleable hide that is naturally slippery when inexperienced. Ballerinas applicability rosin to benefit Rugged up the bottoms of their shoes and bring some obtain for wood flooring. Rosin is a solid contour of resin commence in pine trees and some plants. It has a burly friction-increasing ability which makes it suitable for using to accretion capture and management.

Quickly dip your heel in the rosin box. Tap your heel on the edge of the box or floor to remove excess rosin.4.

Pour it on a wood floor or in a rosin box (inconsiderable, shallow wooden box).

2. Levy on your ballet slippers or pointe shoes. Settle one foot in the rosin box and rub the ball of your foot into the rosin. Take your foot out of the box and tap the rosin off on the side of the box or on the floor to remove excess rosin.



1. Pour a handful-size size of rosin onto the floor in a corner of the dance time or off-stage.

Rub your ball and heel into the floor to make sure your feet are sticking somewhat but not overly sticky or overly slippery.