Comprised of single five overlapping flower petals, Frangipani flowers are enticing in their simplicity. They are indigenous to tropical regions love the Caribbean and Peacemaking Islands. Although they are much used in bouquets, Frangipani blossoms (which advance on short shrubs) are toxic.
1. Settle a iota in the centre of the flower.
2. Trail five equally spaced straight lines alone 1/4-inch gangling, protruding from the speck. These lines be the inception of the left wrinkle of the petals.
3. Extend the five lines you drew in Method 2, curving them outside and then in, stopping at the gratuity of each petal. The curve should be wide enough that the petals will be too large to fit all the way around the flower without touching. Curve the petal out and then inward, mirroring the curve on the left side of the petal. Stop when you reach the left side of the petal to the right of the petal you're drawing.5.
The petals should overlap slightly when complete.4. Draw the right side of each petal, starting at the top of the petal.
Shade each petal slightly, starting near the center and shading down to the dot.