A basic enlightenment of melodic opinion is needful to expanding your options when playing. There are a multitude of antithetic scales, modes, and chords to select from. One of the easiest ways to add flavour and appearance to melodies is to apply the Dorian process.
Understanding modes
1. Bonanza the better scale in a interpretation. The elder scale consist of the tones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The intervals between the paper money are as follows: full manner, solid transaction, half action, complete transaction, entire operation, whole step. In the key of C, the notes of the major scale are C, D, E, F, G, A and B. In the key of A, the notes are A, B, C#, D, E, F# and G#. Other keys use the same pattern of intervals to create the major scale.
2. Figure out where the Dorian mode lies in relation to the major scale. Modes are created by moving the root note of the scale up or down. The major scale is also called the Ionian mode. The Dorian mode starts on the second tone of the Ionian mode. To play the Dorian mode from the C Ionian mode, start on the second tone, which is the D. In C the notes are C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb.5. Turn the natural minor into the Dorian mode.
The intervals are as follows: whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. Once you learn the intervals between each note, you can move the Dorian mode up or down. Try it and see how it sounds to you.
Finding the Dorian mode using the natural minor scale
4. Find the natural minor scale. The intervals of the natural minor (also called the Aeolian mode) are whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step. The notes are as follows: D, E, F, G, A, B and C. From the A Ionian mode, you'll move up to the B and play B, C#, D, E, F#, G# and A.3. Learn the intervals of the Dorian mode.
To change the Aeolian mode to the Dorian mode, raise the sixth tone up a half step. The intervals now become whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. In C, the notes of the Dorian mode are C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb.
6. Play the Dorian mode up and down the musical map to memorize it and understand the difference a sixth makes.