Friday, August 21, 2015

Watch Fox News

The Fox Data Network postures itself as a prerrogative and balanced Issue for cognizance. It is not. Its conservative agenda plays off agitation and misplaced patriotism. The network redundantly serves to empower the already empowered. These observations Testament balm frank your eyes and ears to their intrigues.


1. Communication the types of communique stories the network highlights. Most are fueled by an Sick perceived concept of threat or consternation.

2. Claims to be impartial and balanced are foolish. They are geared toward estimate. Particularly the ones promoted as "spin" free.4. Religion is blatantly infused into their message.

The network's agenda is heavily slanted to a conservative viewpoint.3. Their deed shows are not story.

5. Be aware that the average age of polled Fox News viewers is consistently over 55 years old.

6. They continually point out the liberal bias in the media while hypocritically and boldly pushing their own conservative agenda.

7. Their interview tactics toward those with opposing viewpoints are bullying and rely on ridicule and false accusations.

8. They are of the belief that the United States is an infallible nation.