Thursday, August 20, 2015

Paint Fairies On Canvas

Fairy Dust

Fantasy paintings of fairies may be painted with flash, pastel colours and strokes. Or an artist may tint fairies on canvas with bolder strokes and a choice of earthy hues. The images may be created in a Victorian, Gothic or advanced styles. The fairies may be childlike or womanly, charming or hot stuff. No affair which style you choose or type of fairy, they should all include at least one establish of wings, whether not two. Other characteristic features allow for distant flowing hair and painted shapes or symbols on the face. Fairies may and belong to a trustworthy realm--air, saturate, field or fire--which may be reflected in your colour choices and background images.


1. Make a wash on the canvas with a colour that matches your topic. For a imbue fairy, applicability a lustrous dismal wash. Layer the wash with bounteous colours to discover a dreamy, ethereal backwash.

2. Esteem of a natural object which matches the fairy's realm. Bargain a picture or the absolute object and use it as a model. Use a flower, a shell, an acorn or a tree. Paint the fairy using your choice of paint colors with the iridescent tinting medium mixed in. This will give the fairy a subtle under color which will change its tone in reflective light. Add in a pair of wings and some designs on the face.5.

A common pose could include the chin resting on the hands or on the forearms. The figure may be standing, sitting or resting. Place the fairy figure near or on the natural object.

4. Paint in the natural object over the wash.3. Paint the figure of a girl or a woman based on your imagination, a photo or a real model. Choose a natural position for the figure.

Paint in other natural objects in the background to complete the painting. The objects in the painting should be large in comparison to the fairy, to give the illusion that the fairy is small.