Friday, August 21, 2015

Reading Vs Video Games

Some humans bemoan the gradual loss of reading in our lives, replaced by video games and correlative noisy fare. Still both sides of the analysis cook up skilled points approximately the Pros and cons of Everyone format.


Reading stimulates the purpose, owing to the reader must picture the events of the manual in his belief. With video games, the visuals are pre-determined and don't engage the intellect.

Reading is more passive and you cannot alter the story.

Multiple Players

Reading is usually a solo activity (though one can certainly read aloud to others). Video games can accommodate multiple players at once---even if those players are far away from each other.


Both reading and video games can engage the belief, the former by asking the reader to absorb the written text, the later by engaging problem-solving abilities and visual recognition.


Video games are interactive, allowing you to participate in the game and alter its parameters.

Attention Span

Reading helps improve attention spans, requiring the discipline to sit quietly. While video games engage a player's concentration and memory skills, they tend to disrupt the attention span more quickly.