Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Build A Pyramid Out Of Sugar Cubes

Sugar cubes cause surprisingly accomplished building blocks.

You may be surprised to memorize that sugar cubes are a absolute medium for pyramid building. Everyone honeyed dice is a almost excellent square that makes interpretation a snap. If you permit your pyramid bloodless or gloss it, the texture of a sugar cube still resembles that of stone. Allure a 12-inch square onto the cardboard and shorten it gone with your advantage knife or scissors.2. Lay out 10 sugar cubes approximately 1 inch in from the edge of your board. Center the line of sugar cubes and use your ruler to make certain the line is straight.

Building a pyramid from sugar cubes is both an educational and artistic project to adore.


1. Section a square of sturdy cardboard or foam board to application as your pyramid's representation.

Pick up each cube, apply a small dab of white craft glue and press it onto the board. Build a complete square of sugar cubes following the same method.

3. Count out nine sugar cubes. Stack the cubes on top of the first row, but place them about halfway back from the first edge of cubes, like a step. Glue down the second row of sugar cubes and continue until you have completed a second square.

4. Continue building steps by using one less sugar cube each time. Finish the top row with a single sugar cube.

5. Spray paint your pyramid in stone-like shades of brown or tan for a more realistic look.