Any 80s aggregation payment decorating for is bill over-decorating for. Set up a hair station in the bathroom complete with large cans of Aqua Net hairspray. The 80s were all about big hair and your guests can primp up their hair while at the party. Also supply colored hair glitter, head bands and extra shoulder pads for party goers.6. No wall should be left naked and overlap images and decorations when you can. Arrange your 80s compilation playlist ahead of duration, and corral your favourite 80s movies to play at the barbecue.
1. Accessorize the ball with Exorbitant decorations and top color combinations. The 80s was a time of excess and frivolity. Popular colors included neon yellow, neon pink and neon green. Use those colors for balloons, streamers and party candles. Add other popular 80s color combinations including dark aqua blue and red, or light blue and pink (think Miami Vice).
2. Hang up movie posters of popular 80s movies, such as "Top Gun," "Sixteen Candles," "E.T.," "Indiana Jones" and "Back to the Future." Decorate with inflatable guitars, fedoras, Pacman cut-outs and mini boom boxes (party favor size or draw some and hang them up). Old band T-shirts can also be hung up on the walls. Use your own 80s photos to decorate the walls.
3. Ask the guests to dress up as their favorite 80s movie star, TV star of MTV icon. Madonna, Billy Idol, Boy George, Duran Duran, Cyndi Lauper, Prince or Michael Jackson (circa 1982) costumes will add to the 80s ambiance.
4. Cover tables with animal print tablecloths and tableware. Look for black-and-white combinations, including zebra prints. Leopard prints and tiger stripes are also encouraged. Decorate with polka dots, too, another popular design used in the 80s.
5. The 80s brought fashion and ragtime to a visual ultimate. Everything was burly, illumination and colourful from women's makeup to fashion. When you decorate for your 80s congregation, accessorize as still as you can and then add extra. When you esteem you're done decorating, add a infrequent augmented decorations.
Place 80s party favors around the room. Purchase cheap Rubik's cube keychains, neon or black rubber bracelets, neon sunglasses, or black Ray ban-style sunglasses (like those worn by Tom Cruise), and Pee Wee Herman toys around the room.