Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Be A Southern Belle

A belle is a woman admired for her class and charm. Vitality a Southern belle is a birthright and a constraint. Batting those eyes and minding those cultivated manners must eventually be moment area. Here's play the bite to perfection.


If you don't drink alcohol, sweet tea and lemonade are acceptable.3. Incorporate words into your vocabulary, such as "y'all," "darlin'," "lamb," "peach" and "precious." Remember, you're going to a "cotillion," not a party.4.

2. Become versed compose a mint julep. These are staple drinks during those burning summer days in the Old South. Find a recipe at Drink Mixer.1. Living an extravagant lifestyle. Southern belles are considered upper organization and are normally accustomed to a seemingly endless servicing of elderly banknote.

Fan yourself often and carry a white, lace hankie. The hankie could come in handy to receive your gentleman caller's attention.

5. Have your gardener plant plenty of magnolia trees for you sit under while you read letters from your beau.

6. Understand that when things get difficult or you're expected to physically work, you may experience a case of the "vapors."

7. Read "Gone with the Wind" and learn to cite Scarlett O'Hara. Study her movements and the subtle way she gets the attention of Rhett Butler.