Monday, September 22, 2014

Play Pranks With Doors

When it comes to the general battery of Apr Idiot's pranks, heads birth thinking of the most basic and no sweat ways to pull an amusing gambol. The door Escapade is one of the most daily and effortless. With a dinky interest to safety, a door Escapade can be a blithe conduct to begin Apr 1, however don't be penurious. Envisage approximately who you're pranking before you first step rigging effects up. A happy Escapade is done in a spirit of good-natured entertaining.


1. Block a door. A waxed cardboard container is perfect. When someone opens the door, they'll get a bath!4. Try loosening screws.

3. Put a carton of water above the door. Make sure the container isn't something that will injure your subjects. Putting furniture or other objects against one side of a door will block it. Figure out which way the door swings and block it from the opening side.2. Shrink-wrap a doorway. Your subjects will open the door: and walk into an "invisible force field."

For screw type hinges, you can loosen the screws enough so the door sags when it's opened. Your subjects will figure the old house needs an overhaul and go running for the tool box.

5. "Red" a door. Install a sheet of tinted cellophane (something that will come off easily) on a glass door and arrange lights so that the room takes on a reddish sheen. Your subjects will walk in to find themselves in the middle of a fake sunset.