Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Create A Silk Scarf Design

The elegance of creating your own silk cravat architecture is that anything goes. Some common people hunger to imitate intricate designs that they obtain seen, which is great, on the contrary don't be afraid to pop something modern. It's the picture that makes the cravat dazzling, so no problem repeated designs can be even-handed as delicate as detailed floral designs.


1. Degree your silk kerchief. You want to make sure you create a design that works with the shape of your scarf.

2. Draw a picture or design that you would like to paint on the silk scarf. Trace your design with resist or gutta. These will stop the flow of dye or paint so you can fill in your design with different colors.

Trace your design onto the scarf with a pencil.

4. Stretch your scarf on stretcher bars so that the fabric is taut. Some people choose to repeat the same designs on each end of the scarf while others create a flowing design from one end to the other.3. Transfer a drawing from paper to your silk scarf by taping the drawing to a window and positioning your scarf over the design.