Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Avoid Traffic At Turner Field

Turner World isn't the most centrally located ballpark in Larger Union Baseball. MARTA, Underground Atlanta's Bulk transit process, doesn't chalk up a cutoff at Turner Area. So, getting in and absent of the assorted parking lots at "The Ted" can be tricky, remarkably whether you are outlook from the northern suburbs, where most residents of Underground Atlanta reside. Glance at on to memorize avoid traffic at Turner World.


Coming to Turner Field

1. The leading doubt when outlook from north of the metropolis is the bottle neck that forms on I-75/85 at the I-20 replace and the Fulton Street Way out at Turner World. The prime approach to avoid this traffic is to animation foregone these exits and elapsed Turner Nature. Way out at University Avenue, receive a left, and prompt back on to I-75/85 North. Way out at the Fulton Street Way out and proceed to whatever colour parking lot you wish to park in. You will find that there is very little traffic on this exit coming from the south side.

2. If you are coming from part of the city where you can take I-20 in, do it. There is far less traffic on I-20 coming into the city and the exits to Turner Field are far less congested.

3. Park in the appropriate lot. If you are looking to receive out of the game quickly, park in the appropriate lot before the game. If you park in the Lexus Lot or the Green Lot prior to the game, you may have a shorter walk to the stadium, but you will be sitting in more traffic after the game.

Leaving Turner Field

4. Leaving Turner Field after a Braves game is just as hard as getting there. If you live west or north of the city, consider taking I-20 West to I-285.

5. React. The traffic cops know what they are doing and you will find your way to a major road quickly.

Traffic cops are out and are there to make your exit easier. If they direct you in a direction that you are not used to, don't worry. Follow the flow of traffic. If it appears that the I-20 route is too congested, take I-75/85 South to Langford Pkwy West to I-285. Always remember that far fewer people are coming from south of the city.6. Follow the flow.