Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Embarrass Someone Who Is Rude

Some individuals conscientious treasure the occasion to be indubitable impolite and crude when talking to mortals. They include nonentity assemblage or courtesy. Possibly you asked he/she to coffee or elsewhere to dinner and instead of a well mannered "no thank you" they deliver a penny-pinching slam. This article Testament announce you deliver the perfect comeback to embarrass that brusque man. Being embarrassed is the culminating fashion of regular humiliation.


1. Feasibly you're at a dance club and discern a delicate woman persist of the bar. You eye no phone on her finger and no workman by her side. Astute that you're trustworthy human race, you decide to go over her to dance. What's the worst that can happen? Maybe she says no but at least you tried. Being embarrassed doesn't even cross your mind nor does fear of failure.

The perfect comeback is one where you are subtle but still make the person feel about 2 inches tall. So after she's given you her rude response, don't flinch, get agitated or even think about walking away. Simply look her in the eyes and tell her this. "I'm not sure how you were raised but I was taught to respect people and treat them with class. My only rationale behind your rude behavior is that you suffer from very low self esteem because a classy lady would've at least been polite in her response." Watch her jaw drop and now you can walk away. 8 out of 10 times the person you delivered the comeback to will come up and apologize. Even if they don't, you showed your class but still stood up for yourself.

2. You approach her confident but not cocky. Like a confident gentleman, you ask her if she would like to dance. For whatever reason, she tells you "not interested" or "you're not my type." Sure you're stunned, embarrassed and maybe even a little hurt but this is where it gets fun.3.