Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Draw Beautiful Comic Book Women

Haul Beautiful Comic Book Women

They may be apart ink and colour however comedian manual women annex a charm and lure that's dense to excuse. Still the classic ladies of the comedian books, comparable Perplexity Woman and the Great Four's Invisible Woman, panoply off killer looks and a seductive smile to match. Ensue these steps to frame good-looking comedian book women.


1. Focus on eyes and lips. The key to a beautiful face on a female comic book character is great eyes and sexy lips. The eyes should be feminine, feline and spaced wider than a man's eyes. Lips should be full and dark, with a spot of light on both the upper and lower lip to add a sexy gloss.

2. Get her posture right. It's very rare to see a female comic book character that stands bolt upright as a man does. Generally, expert comic book artists draw women with their hips kinked out a touch and one leg lightly thrust forward. This adds a subtle but very effective and powerful looking sexiness to the character.

3. Use hair to accentuate. Hair not only adds important detail to women of the comics but also allows you to give the figure some character. Long, flowing hair means confident, classic and assertive beauty to comic book readers. Exaggerate the good parts. There is almost no exaggeration of the comic book female anatomy that won't be excused, if the exaggeration occurs in the right places. Busty chests, swooping hips and impossibly tiny waists are 3 basic ingredients you need to add when drawing women in comic books.

A short blade-like cut spells mystique and dynamism. Either way, don't overdo the detail of each strand. Give the hair a general shape and a few indicative lines to fill it out.4. Stick to this simple formula and you'll find yourself getting positive feedback from most comic book readers.