Casualty Comment is an anime approximately a supernatural log called the "Death Note" that falls to area.Rule 5
When writing a cause of death, the details of the death should be listed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds.Fake Rules
Rule 2
The writer of the alias must hold the face of the man in his attitude while writing the cognomen. This Testament prevent those sharing the identical name from dieing.
Rule 3
If the cause of death is written in the notebook in the first 40 seconds, the events listed will take place.
Rule 4
If no specific cause of death is listed, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
It is discovered by a human named "Flashing." Flash quickly discovers the powers of the log and begins "cleansing" the macrocosm of all non-law abiding human beings. But, custom of the log is not without its consequences.
Rule 1
The human that has his fame written in the notebook will die.If the owner of the Death Note does not kill anyone within 13 days of the last death, the owner will die. If the notebook is damaged or destroyed in anyway, all of those who have come in contact with the notebook will die.