Friday, September 26, 2014

Use A Mat Cutter

Photo Mat

Matting pictures within frames is an substantial manner to cut to accomplish confident that framed pictures retain a finished, adept appearance. Provided you engage in a important immensity of matting, it may be advantageous to chop your own mats to fit the particular pictures you Testament be framing. One road to chop mats is to utilize a hand-held mat cutter. This clement of mat cutter has a blade in it that is angled at the Correct angle for beveling the mat board as you push the mat cutter along a straight-edge ruler.


1. Decide how even mat column you thirst To possess all over the picture and the bigness matting window you enthusiasm.

2. Reduce a portion of mat board that Testament fit inside the picture frame you will be using. Draw the matting window on the back of the mat board.

3. Place the cutting board on a flat work surface and lay the mat on the cutting board with the back facing up.

4. Place the T-square ruler against the edge of your work surface. Repeat Steps 4 through 8 to chop the other three edges of the matting window.

Use your dominant hand to position the mat cutter blade on the matting window line you drew in Step 2. The bevel should be slanted away from the window you are cutting to make it look right from the other side.

6. Slide the ruler over to the blade of the mat cutter and hold it firmly against the edge of the table. Don't let the ruler shift.

7. Push the mat cutter firmly and evenly away from you along the drawn line with your dominant hand. Hold the ruler firmly in place with your non-dominant hand while moving the mat cutter.

8. Stop when you reach the corner and reposition the mat board, the ruler, and the mat cutter.

9. Hold the ruler with your non-dominant hand. Slide the mat board against the edge of the ruler.5.