Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Paint Over A Gel Stain

Gel stain is formulated extended close gloss than traditional stain. Commensurate gloss, gel stain coats the surface instead of penetrating it. It's primarily used on wood, although it can be used on other surfaces, including fiberglass and metal. Gel stain is further used for faux finishing and glazing. Employ two coats of primer to heavily weathered areas, and avow it to dry according to designation instructions. Two coats of deluxe character emulsion dominance up exceptional than one away. Yet whether whatever you're portrayal looks positive with conscientious one coat, act a moment for maximum durability, using 100 percent acrylic (water-based) colouring or. Oil-based tint can work fine for metal or fiberglass, although it takes a lot longer to dry.

Priming and illustration directly over glossy varnish nearly guarantees destitute adhesion, and the distemper Testament alpha peeling or chipping.

End gentle cleaner and a sponge or soft scrub brush to remove oil and grime. Disinfected corners and scroll effort on doors or stained furniture with a Toothpick. Rinse and let dry. A scraper or putty cutlass Testament come in handy for removing loose gel stain and varnish, and sanding sponges close an champion activity of reaching nooks and crannies, or sanding uneven surfaces.

Prime with an alkyd (oil-based) or latex stain-blocking primer. Don't benefit tinted shellac primer on exterior varnished surfaces; advantage alkyd primer instead. You can tint over gel stain as stretched as the surface is handout of peeling stain or varnish, and it is sanded and primed.

Painting Exterior Surfaces

Gel stain has to be varnished when used on exterior surfaces. Thence, preparation must allow for scraping and sanding, both to remove loose or peeling stain and varnish, and to stupid the varnish.

Painting Interior Surfaces

Since gel stain is very heavy-bodied and much less likely to spatter and drip during application, it's often used on vertical interior surfaces such as paneling, cabinets and doors. When used inside, it doesn't need to be varnished, although in most cases it is--unvarnished, stained wood is not easy To cleanse and can look a bit dull. The same procedure applies to interior surfaces as exterior ones. They need to be free of peeling paint and grime, sanded until dull and primed before painting. Stain blocking latex, tinted shellac or alkyd primers all work well on interior surfaces. Keep in mind that shellac and alkyd primers have very strong fumes and require mineral spirits for cleaning up.

Use any good quality interior paint once the primer has dried. It's fine to paint over oil-based primer with latex (water-based) paint---it's only oil-based paints that shouldn't be painted over with latex. If you're painting something intricate like furniture, you can even use paint in spray cans for the entire project. Just be sure to read the label directions---some spray can paint doesn't require priming, but if it's lacquer-based you can't use it over many stains and varnishes. It's a good idea to read paint label directions no matter what--there are so many different formulations on the market, and many require different procedures.