Thursday, December 17, 2015

Build A Silk Screen Printer

Silk Shade, besides hackneyed as Shade printing, is a adroit, easy-to-learn procedure for printing on a assortment of surfaces such as paper, framework, wood, metal, plastic and glass. Silk Screen inks are changing and flare, creating an buffet inflexible to match with other printing techniques. You can constitution a silk Shade printer in a meagre lucid steps with materials and tools that are clear to source from a hardware store, lumber store, commercial Shade print supplier or Craft advantage store.


1. Using 2" x 2" wood, nails and wood glue, physique a frame to desired bigness. To print a send extent facsimile of 8.5" x 11", a Shade of at least 16" x 20" should be built. Stretch a abundance of synthetic Shade mesh over it and staple into domicile, tacking the corners cardinal. Levy strips of staple tape along Everyone side as you staple, to prevent the staples from ripping the synthetic Shade mesh. Labour your plan approximately the frame, pulling the Shade mesh taught and adding staples. Bounce a coin on the frame when finished to approval tautness. Wash Shade and frame with soapy balmy flood and rinse.

2. Abbreviate a group of plywood chock-full Sufficiently to dispensation a six-inch column around your screen frame. Cut a piece of pressed board, also known as Masonite, to fit over the piece of plywood. Attach the two pieces with small nails and wood glue to create your print board. Do not nail in the center image area of the Masonite board. Sand all edges.

3. Measure five inches down from one side and draw a line. Mark the center point of the line. Measure out four to five inches to either side and mark with pencil. Screw the screen print clamps to the print board.

4. Put an image on the screen mesh that is fastened to the screen frame using photo emulsion. Expose for several minutes with a strong light. Develop the photo screen with warm water.5. Place your silk screen frame with the image on it into the screen print clamps and tighten the clamps. Place the film positive upside down on the back of the screen. Tape into centered position. Cover with heavy glass. Coat the screen with photo emulsion and let dry. Transfer your image to a film positive by printing it from your computer onto clear vellum paper. A film positive is a piece of clear paper or vellum with an image printed on it.

Place the item to be printed into position on the print board. Put ink in the screen frame and print with a squeegee. Lift the screen to check the result. Print multiples if desired. Clean the screen with the proper solvent for the ink when finished.