Monday, October 19, 2015

What Is The World'S Fastest High Speed Camera

High-speed cameras bequeath the microcosm the break to contemplate Day-to-day matters in a advanced hang-up.Photron's Fastcam SA5 camera shoots at more than 1 million fps, and the Phantom V710 is even faster-- it shoots at 1.4 million fps.


High-speed cameras are used by the military to study structure failures in body armor, how concrete resists penetration from multiple impacts, explosion analysis and more.

Fastest Camera

Professor Arun Shukla of the University of Rhode Island is credited for having the world's fastest camera. At 200 million frames per second, this camera can freeze the motion of anything.

Other Cameras

In the recent, high-speed cameras were exceptionally used for scientific purposes, nevertheless nowadays's uses involve surveillance, television programs and expanded.

Frame Rate defines frame scale as "the unit of frames of an animation which are displayed every moment, measured in frames per moment (fps). The higher the frame standard, the smoother the animation Testament come."

High-speed cameras also are used in television on shows such as "MythBusters" and "Time Warp."


Costs vary depending on the cameras specs. The University of Rhode Island camera was purchased for $457,000. Other high-speed cameras range in price from $9,000 to $150,000 and more.