Friday, July 31, 2015

Teach Map Skills To Children

Senile Map

Teaching map skills to children can be a pleasant, adventurous romp buttoned up literature, anecdote, geography, orchestration, fashion, culture and else. Whatever the children’s interests, there are ways to account maps to complement his learning and employment his interests to whet his appetite for learning discover and exercise maps. There are distinct basic concepts that occasion to be taught: domicile, method, symbols, scale and distance.


Getting Started

1. Capture your materials. You Testament essential maps, an atlas, a existence, graph paper, regulate paper, pens, crayons and markers, and a ruler and measuring tape. A roll of newsprint paper is again appropriate.

2. Arouse maps from passage agencies, Non-native embassies, society police or other governmental aid, and Federal Geographic magazines. Limited maps can be obtained from the Hospital ward of Trade and actual estate help.

3. Let the children behold you practice maps regularly in your other lessons or exertion. Whether, in science, the class is approximately panda bears, moxie to the field and parade where these animals can be institute.7. Place signs on the walls of the classroom showing the compass directions and use the terms whenever possible in other lessons (e.g., “The president lives in the White House in Washington DC, which is on the EAST coast of the USA.”).8. Have the children make a scale map of the classroom on graph paper.

5. Commence formal lessons on map reading after the groundwork has been laid as above.


6. Advise the sense of address. With crude children, this begins with memorizing their domicile. Operate a map to demonstrate where there house is, where the school is, the town, state, and country.

Similarly, whether you are studying Roman numbers or talking approximately Arabic numerals, force to the sphere and show where these concepts were invented. Appreciating the usefulness of maps and globes Testament exhilarate the children to memorize.4. Employ maps when discussing academy nature trips, the children’s or your own commute to institution, the speck of the college, town and country.

Teach and use symbols to stand for the various objects in the classroom. Relate scale to other maps you have. A fun way of illustrating scale change is to draw something on a partially inflated balloon, and then blow it up more. The children should see that all parts of the drawing grew larger.

9. Have the children place symbols on a map of the local community showing the post office, banks, grocery stores, churches, parks and other places the children will recognize. Once they understand the concept of symbols representing places, introduce symbols for geographic features, such as mountains, lakes, rivers. Have them compare the various symbols used by different map makers.

10. Assign the children homework to find and mark on a map, several locations alluded to in the books they read or programs they watched at home. They can tell briefly what places they found and why. This will often excite the other children by the variety of places and connections to maps. The children will compete to see who can come up with the strangest places or the most obscure allusion. One child might find a place mentioned in a song he heard on “American Idol,” someone else will show where the top fashion designers work.

11. Play lots of geography and map games. A simple game is to have the children compete to see who can find a given city or feature on a map or globe. Involve the children more by letting them call out the places to be found. Give each child an outline map of the United States and have him color in each state he can find a connection to in the classroom (for instance, one child was born in Michigan, the red-eared slider turtles in the terrarium came from Florida, there is a copy of the Declaration of Independence on the wall and it was signed in Pennsylvania, and so on).