Monday, June 29, 2015

Paint A Silk Scarf

Distemper a Silk Scarf

Silk scarves can brighten up a stupid outfit and can be a acceptable argument quota. Provided your rationale is to sell your silk paintings, there isn't a larger system to fanfare your artwork than by fatiguing it wherever you hardihood. Buy your deviceful juices flowing and launch creating silk scarves for merry or bill.


1. Allure your comp on your neckerchief with a pencil, or transfer a sketch to the neckerchief by taping your illustration on a window and tracing your design onto your silk headscarf.

2. Stretch your headscarf on a silk stretcher or actualize your own silk stretcher with stretcher bars, push pins, rubber bands and safety pins. You craving your silk scarf to be suspended above the table without touching your frame.

3.6. Set the color with the method recommended on your paint label. Heat, steam, or liquid fixatives will set the paint and make is washable.7.

Apply paint to the center of a gutta or resist areas with a paint brush. Paint spreads quickly on silk and the gutta or resist lines act like a barrier for the paint. Remember to blend colors together while the paint is still wet. Once the paint dries, it will leave a line.

Trace the outline of your design with gutta or resist.4. Decide the color theme you will use for your scarf and prepare your paints before you begin painting.5.

Wash or dry-clean your scarf and it is ready to wear or sell.