Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Draw A Koala Face

Picture a koala bear face is one of the extra easier animal faces to trail. The face is mythical of many circle and oval shapes that append shading and colouring.


1. Trail a blimp circle to beget the basic shape for the koala bear's belief. Then trail two miniature half-circles that are off-centered from the top centre placement on the sense. These two half-circles Testament contrive the ears.

2. Inside the smaller are you've just drawn, draw a "Y" shape to make the bear's nostrils.4. Color the larger rectangle area black and use a light pink pencil to color the bear's nostrils.5.

3. Constitute the koala's nose by picture a rectangle with rounded corners in the centre of the koala's face. In the backside third of the of the rectangle, frame a curved line that looks like an upside-down moon. Employ your coloured pencils to practise Profundity on the inner nature of the ears. Ebon, grey and caucasian pencils Testament bring about the koala's ears case realistic. Capitalization the brunet pencil to accord the ear a "leathery" glimpse, and benefit remainder of the pencils forging short and straight strokes to deliver it fur.

Place the koala's eyes to the outside edges of it's nose. The tops of the eyes and nose should all be in a straight line. Draw two small circles with your brown pencil to create the eyes. Use your black pencil to create a vertical slit in each eye.

6. Make the koala's mouth by using your black pencil and drawing a slightly curved line beneath the nose. Visualize a vertical line going straight down from the inner edge of the eyes. The ends of the mouth on the koala should not go past this visual line. Draw a "U" shape under the center of mouth and color this area with your light pink pencil. Use your white pencil to draw short and straight lines around the pink area to give the mouth a fur look.

7. Finish drawing the koala's face by using pencils to give the bear fur. White, black and gray pencils will work best. Use the short and straight movements to create straight fur. Fill in the koala's face lightly with fur, while filling in the areas around the eyes, mouth, nose and ears more heavily.