Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Use A Power Buffer On A Car

Power buffers shorten the duration required to circumstance a vehicle.

Influence buffers carry on the painted Stop of your vehicle. Using the prerrogative compounds, the buffer will remove scratches from your vehicle or employ protective broaden to protect the vehicle dye from corrosion. Incorrectly using a power buffer can consideration damage that can gamut from haziness to burning the tint. Any damaged caused by the incorrect account of a power buffer is permanent and may lack completely repainting your vehicle to restore the aboriginal Stop.


1. Secure a buffing pad to the potentiality buffer. Depending on the imitation of the buffer, the pad will mount with either a hook-and-loop system or spring clips located on the rear side of the buffer-backing pad.

2. Pour buffing compound or wax on the buffing pad.

3. Wipe the pad on the surface of the vehicle to spread the compound on the paint. Pull the trigger to begin the power buffer.5. Apply additional compound to the buffing wheel. Repeat the procedure to buff remainder of the painted surface of the vehicle.

Move the power buffer in a circular motion across a 24-inch section of the vehicle, keeping the buffer moving continually to avoid burning the vehicle's paint.4. Wipe the compound residue from the vehicle with a clean rag.