Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Remove Paint From Antique Brass Bed Frames

Emulsion can be removed from ancient brass beds.

Watch as the chemical interacts with the paint and begins bubbling up the paint.4. Wipe away the chemically released paint with a paper towel or paint rag. Whether the stripper is used properly no scraping is required. Scraping should be avoided to care for from scratching the underlying brass and ruining the Stop.


1. Place on a couple of safety glasses and rubber gloves. Remove the lid from the can of paint stripper. Open doors and windows and plug in a fan to circulate the air. Wear an approved painting respirator to protect lungs from harmful chemical vapors.

2. Dip a paint brush into the can several times until the bristles fill with stripper. Apply a generous amount of the stripping agent over the painted areas of the bed frame.

3. Allow the chemical agent to work on the paint. Follow the directions on the label before removing the paint.Gloss on an old brass Bedstead is unsightly. Removing this whitewash can hand restore the Bedstead to its glory. Whether a brass Bedstead has been painted entirely or conscientious has a infrequent tint spots here and there, a chemical paint stripper can loosen the gloss's bond on the brass.

Apply another layer of stripper if all of the paint didn't come off with the first treatment. Wash the brass with soap and water once all paint residue has been removed with stripper.