Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shine Pennies

Pennies are imaginary from copper and are effulgent and shiny when they're aboriginal minted.3. Add salt to white vinegar to shine pennies that have a lot of oxidation. This mixture won't make a paste, but you can use the edge of a paper towel or washcloth to rub the vinegar and salt on the penny.

1. Soak the penny in a gentle acid such as white vinegar or lemon liquor. A carbonated beverage can business as well. After a rare minutes, remove the penny and rub it dry with a paper towel.

2. Rub the penny with ketchup, toothpaste, a paste of baking soda and water or brass cleaner. You can use an old toothbrush or your fingers for rubbing.

But, over clock, the copper oxidizes and the penny becomes stupid and brown. There are a quantity of ways to remove the oxidized layer and assemble pennies glowing allied recent.


4. Buy a commercial product to shine your pennies. These products are usually harsher than household products, and you will have to wear protective gloves and protect your work surface.

5. Use a pencil eraser to rub the oxidized layer from the penny.