Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Plan A Documentary Film Festival

Aim a Documentary Movie Festival

Keep the Q & A to five minutes. That allows enough time for questions to be answered and to keep the festival moving.7. Organize a reception that will follow the festival.


1. Arbitrate when and how documentaries should be submitted. Submission enlightenment should encompass type of documentaries lifetime regular, their length and any other info needed to fit the type of festival growth held.

2. Set a date and time for the documentary festival. Make sure you set the date and time for a period when most people would best be able to attend regardless of work schedules.

3. Find a location to hold the festival. It should be a place that has a wide screen or at least be able to fit one and that has acoustics that would be good to show movies.

4. Make decisions regarding which documentaries will be shown at the festival.

5. Publicize the festival. Cover all forms of media and be sure to publicize in media that specifically targets the audience for the type of festival you're holding.

6. Plan a question and answer session with the directors following the viewing of each film.Movie festivals are a fine course of action to showcase up and future directors and movies that don't fall into the common Hollywood fare. In that documentaries don't generally accept mainstream coverage, they are a worthy Election to limelight on whether you're looking to means a movie festival. Provided you don't notice where to start in planning a documentary festival, due supervene these child's play steps.

It should be simple and allow those who attend to mingle with the directors of the documentaries.