Monday, January 26, 2015

Turn Your Pennies Shiny

Bring back the light in your pennies.

Stir the ingredients to dissolve the piquancy.2. Assign the pennies into the bowl and stir them sorrounding gently with your fingers.


1. Degree and pour the ghastly vinegar and the table bite into one of the glass bowls.Pennies in circulation be reformed grimy and stain, losing their shiny newness over the oldness. When you bear a pocket abundant of dingy antique pennies, deliver your pennies a fresh lifetime with a miniature elbow grease. Turn your pennies shiny using banal household ingredients and a dwarf polishing endeavor. Coin a chemical reaction on the copper of the pennies, dissolving the half-formed grime and producing shiny, new-looking coins.

3. Soak the pennies for approximately five minutes.

4. Dip an aged toothbrush into the vinegar solution, and scrub the surface of the pennies with the bristles.

5. Remove the pennies from the vinegar and salt, and place them onto a layer of paper towels.

6. Pour the baking soda into the other small bowl, and add enough water to make a gooey paste.

7. Place a small dab of baking soda paste onto a penny and work the paste into the surfaces of the penny with your fingertips to polish the penny. Continue polishing the penny until it shines.

8. Rinse the penny under cool water, and buff it dry with a paper towel.

9. Repeat the same polishing process with each penny.