Friday, January 30, 2015


Learning grind can balm you be enhanced social at clubs. Provided you apperceive grind you can hop gone on the dance floor and gain amusing with your friends. Grinding doesn't select even coordination and it's quite basic to memorize.


1. March onto the dance floor with a rare friends and inception dancing. Whether you memo somebody you are enticed in grinding with smile at her and provided she smiles back approach her and ask if she is interested in dancing with you.

2. Position yourself so the girl is in front with her butt level with your crotch. Place your hands on her hips and start rubbing against her. If you are both enjoying the closeness try front grinding.

Some girls aren't comfortable with the sexual aspect of grinding. If you notice her becoming uncomfortable, back off a bit or try another form of dancing.

4. Follow her lead, if she seems to be enjoying herself you can start rubbing her arms and chest. Move your hips in unison with hers. If you aren't experienced with grinding just follow her lead.3. Watch for clues that she is uncomfortable.