Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Use Chalk Pastels

Appropriateness Chalk Pastels

Many artists application chalk pastels to conceive brilliant pieces of Craft. For those different to using chalk pastels, they can be intimidating. Chalk pastels are evident to labour with and own the fresh aid of growth able to remove mistakes easily. Below are some suggestions to assist you grindstone with chalk pastels.


1. Choose the deserved paper. The texture and colour of your paper affects your Craft. Velour paper gives soft stuff, while sanded paper provides textured details and soft details. Choose textured paper for a corrugated see for your Craft.

2. Application an easel. Blend two strokes of color that are side by side with your fingers to create a burnished look.8. Use soft materials to create different burnishing effects. Do not forget to place multiple pieces of paper behind your piece to provide a cushion for it.

3. Create broad strokes by holding the chalk pastel between your forefinger and thumb. Use the broad side of the chalk to make a broad stoke.

4. Use a sharpened piece of a chalk pastel to draw thin lines. Hold the piece at an angle.

5. Increase your pressure while you draw with the chalk to make darker tones. This especially works if you hold the chalk and draw it sideways.

6. Decrease pressure while drawing with the chalk to create lighter tones.

7. Whether you appliance chalk pastels, you are going To possess loose dust. Using an easel allows the loose dust to fall downward due of gravity. Lightly tap your art paper from the back to shake off any excess dust.

Use cotton swabs, tissues, soft dry paint brush or a lightly wet one to create different effects.

9. Spray a fixative to hold your color into place. Some artists spray the fixative between layers as well as a final layer. Other artists just add a fixative layer when they are finished.